Exercise Treadmill

Exercise Treadmill

What is it?

An exercise treadmill test is a type of diagnostic test that involves the patient exercising on a treadmill while being hooked up to an ECG machine, giving accurate and timely readings of the heart’s activity. This test is often done in the diagnosis stage for several heart conditions, as it helps the doctor determine how well the heart reacts during hard activities, using real-time ECG readings.
There are 3 major varieties of an exercise treadmill test, namely, exercise stress test, nuclear stress test and stress echocardiogram. The exercise stress test refers to the standard treadmill test, while the nuclear stress test involves the same setup with an addition of an IV. A stress echocardiogram takes this test to another level, having the same setup as the previous two, except with an addition of a transducer to create moving images of the heart.
Exercise treadmills tests are usually safe and involve little to no risks. However, in rare cases, some may experience chest pain, irregular heartbeats, and heart attacks, resulting in collapsing or fainting. But, it is important to note that these risks only happen during extreme cases, and under normal circumstances one would not undergo any of them.

How is it done?

During an exercise treadmill test, you will be made to exercise on a treadmill, while being connected to an ECG machine. You will start off at a slow pace, and will be instructed to increase or decrease your speed depending on the type of readings the doctor wishes to examine. Once the doctor is content with the test, you will be asked to stop, and can resume your day’s activities (unless stated otherwise).
Although an exercise treadmill test is a fairly simple procedure, you will still need to follow a few steps to help you prepare for it. Prior to an exercise treadmill test being prescribed, you will need to undergo proper consultations with the doctor to examine your current health, personal and familial medical history, as well as underlying health conditions. Once you have been assigned to take the test, you may be asked to avoid smoking and drinking in the days leading up to the test, and also restrict certain foods (if needed).
After the test is complete, and the readings are obtained, you will be allowed to rest and return to daily activities, unless stated otherwise. You will then be required to attend a follow-up session with the doctor, after your readings have been analyzed, to better understand your heart health and conditions (if any).

How is it done?

What does this help with (identify or fix abc), when you are prescribed this (what symptoms you have to need this)
An exercise treadmill test is an effective diagnostic tool in monitoring and understanding the heart’s activity during strenuous activities. By doing an exercise treadmill test, the doctor is able to better understand the workings of your heart and identify discrepancies, if any. It can also help the doctor with the following functions:
  • Determining the oxygen levels and blood flow in the heart
  • Understanding your level of health, if you are starting a new exercise regime
  • Diagnosing the severity of an existing health condition
  • Determining how effective heart treatments prescribed are
  • Analyzing heart health before undergoing a surgery

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Exercise Treadmill